To find out more about the research publications from my lab click on the links below:


  • Eaton, J., Carvajal-Agudelo J.D, Franz-Odendaal TA. In Press. Comparison of effects of 2D and 3D simulated microgravity rotation on ossification in larval Danio rerio (zebrafish). Microgravity.
  • Zinck NW, McInnis SJL, Franz-Odendaal TA. In Press. Time-dependent Effect of FGF and TGF-ß Inhibition on the Formation of Cranial Neural Crest Cell-Derived Cartilages. Differentiation.
  • Franz-Odendaal TA, Carvajal-Agudelo J.D, Apienti TAO, Drake PM, Eaton J, McInnis S, Muntzar, R. In press. Turn on the lights! Fundamental science leads to scientific progress: A perspective from developmental biology. Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science.
  • Carvajal-Agudelo J.D., McNeil, A., Franz-Odendaal TA. In press. Effects of simulated microgravity and vibration on osteoblast and osteoclast activity in cultured zebrafish scales. Life Sciences in Space Research.


  • Zinck, N, Franz-Odendaal TA. 2022. Quantification and comparison of teleost scleral cartilage development and growth. Journal of Anatomy. 241:4:1014-1025.
  • Jeradi S, Franz-Odendaal TA. 2022. Vibration exposure uncovers a critical early developmental window for zebrafish caudal fin development. Development Genes and Evolution. 232: 67-79



  • Giffin J. and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2020. Quantitative gene expression dynamics of key placode signaling factors in the embryonic chicken scleral ossicle system. Gene Expression Patterns: 38:2020:11913
  • Zinck, N. and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2020. Accurate whole-mount bone and cartilage staining requires acid-free conditions. The Anatomical Record
  • McGaugh SE, Kowalko J, Duboue E, Lewis P, Franz-Odendaal TA, Rohner N, Gross JB, Keene A. 2020. Dark world rises: The emergence of cavefish as a model for the study of evolution, development, behavior and disease. Journal of Experimental Zoology: Part B
  • Zinck, N., Jeradi S., Franz-Odendaal TA. 2020. Elucidating the early signaling cues involved in zebrafish chondrogenesis and cartilage morphology. Journal of Experimental Zoology-B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution.
  • Paige M. Drake, Jourdeuil K., Franz-Odendaal T.A. 2020. An Overlooked Placode: Re-characterizing the Papillae in the Embryonic Eye of Reptilia. Developmental Dynamics 249:2:164-172




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